How to Help

When you help support Benjamin House, your contribution works today, tomorrow, and for a lifetime, helping the mentally challenged achieve a life of choice, dignity and caring. All donations go directly into the program without any deductions for expenses or salaries. Donations are used to assist in providing for the needs of the residents, including education and travel for the residents to events, purchase of GPS locator bracelets for the residents, purchase of games, books, puzzles and other items used by or needed by the residents, and to assist in the maintenance, repair, and upkeep of the facility. Additionally, the residents use the funds to support their community involvement, including their annual talent show. An unpaid board of directors who subscribe to the no-possible-conflict rule oversees the use of that money.

Since the program is designed to be self-supporting, you can be assured that your donation will continue to be felt and appreciated within the community for years to come. You are contributing to a unique program that is more than an assisted living residence, it helps the mentally challenged with life. It provides comfortable housing, help with social and medical problems, and encouragement with spiritual and community life.


You can donate online to Benjamin House or mail your donation. All proceeds from the donations go directly to supporting the residents of Benjamin House.  If you prefer to mail a check or money order, please send it to:

Benjamin House, Inc.
PO Box 757
Elizabeth City, NC 27907

Benjamin House Foundation

A Benjamin House, not for profit, Foundation has been formed, to insure the future support and maintenance of the residents of Benjamin House, and to insure funding for any new residents, who because of decreases in, or termination of, present financial assistance, would not otherwise be able to reside at Benjamin House. Foundation monies could be used to pay for room and board at the Benjamin House for residents who need supplemental and/or paid in full funding. This also would help to insure the future of the Benjamin House, since government funding may someday cease to exist.

The Board of Directors of the Benjamin House, Inc. has been a part of forming the foundation, creating the mission statement and purpose, along with the Executive Director, to establish the foundation as a compliment to the Benjamin House, Inc. and it’s mission.

Mission Statement for Benjamin House Foundation

The mission of the Benjamin House Foundation is to improve the quality of life of the mentally and developmentally disabled, maximizing their potential, while empowering the residents to live a life style of self worth, as well as, being a productive member of society.

Goal of Benjamin House Foundation

The goal of the Benjamin House Foundation is to seek funding through corporate, civic, church, and private donations to maintain the quality of current services and care with the capacity to supplement residents’ needs in the event of a personal deficit.

Named Giving Opportunities

Named gift opportunities are tied to the various aspects of Benjamin House and are available for major donors. Suitable plaques and inscriptions will be used to recognize donors.

Special Kinds of Gifts

Contributions are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. The deduction for contributed property is usually equal to the fair market value of the property at the time of the contribution. This general rule is subject to exceptions for property that has appreciated (i.e. value is greater than its adjusted basis).

Often gifts are given through any number of deferred gift options and may be credited to Benjamin House. Methods of giving, other than cash, may be appropriate for a number of contributors. Some of these are:

Gifts of Appreciated Securities

Donations to charity of stock that has appreciated in value since acquisition can be highly beneficial to a taxpayer. The value of the gift for purposes of taking a tax deduction is generally the mean market value of the stock on the day of donation, even through the cost to the donor is lower than this amount.

The actual gift to Benjamin House may be more or less depending on the fair market value on the day the sale occurs. The charitable donation of appreciated stock usually avoids all income taxed on the gain that would apply had the owner sold the stock. Even in those rare cases in which the alternative minimum tax is a consideration, gifts of appreciated property provide considerable tax protection. Securities that have appreciated in value significantly, but pay low dividends, are ideal for charitable giving.

In addition to securities, gifts of appreciated property may include real estate or other marketable assets. All gifts of securities can be arranged through contact with the Benjamin House, Inc. Financial Office at PO Box 757 Elizabeth City, NC 27907 or by phone at 252-335-5471.

Life Income Deferred Gifts

A deferred gift is an irrevocable contract that provides for gifts to be received by a charity, usually after a period of several years or after the death of the donor. A life income gift generally offers immediate income tax benefits and also provides ongoing income to the donor.

One common form of life-income deferred gift is the charitable remainder trust. Donors in or approaching retirement years or in their early 70’s often use charitable remainder trusts. Typically, the donor will have highly appreciated assets and have overestimated the level of income needed for retirement. By placing these assets in a charitable remainder trust, the donor can ensure that the asset is sold and that the entire value of the asset is reinvested in a high-yield security paying the donor and/or his or her loved ones a lifetime income. The entire principal value can be reinvested because charitable remainder trusts are not subject to income tax! Only after the death of the donor and other named beneficiaries does the principal amount come to the charity or charities named in the trust.

In addition to enhancing the donor's income at a time of need, charitable remainder trusts have the advantage of providing what is usually a significant income tax deductions in the year the trust is established (sometimes carried forward to provide tax benefits for several years). The tax deduction for establishing such a trust depends upon the age(s) of the trust income beneficiaries. Ultimately, such trusts may allow the donor to give far more to Benjamin House than is possible through gifts made from annual income.

Life Insurance

The needs of Life Insurance owners change at different stages of life. A paid-up policy that is no longer needed can be the perfect way to make a gift to Benjamin House. It is as simple as making Benjamin House the owner and beneficiary. There are also ways to use term insurance and policies that still require payments.


Naming Benjamin House in your will is another giving vehicle. While this is an important thing to do at any age, for people 70 years of age or older such gifts can be credited to Benjamin House. All estate donors not wanting to remain anonymous will be included in the Legacy Society and kept current on the activities and progress of Benjamin House and its residents.

Other Ways of Giving

The Staff, Board and Volunteers of Benjamin House are committed to making the Benjamin House a success. If you have questions about a donation or bequest, please contact the Benjamin House Financial Office at 252-335-5471 or Benjamin House 252-337-7171 (ask for the Director) or at PO Box 757 Elizabeth City, NC 27907. Questions can be asked online at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Thank you for your support.
